home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software }
- { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, }
- { Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RxCalc;
- interface
- {$I RX.INC}
- uses Windows, SysUtils, Variants,
- Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus,
- ExtCtrls, Buttons, RxCtrls, Clipbrd;
- const
- DefCalcPrecision = 15;
- type
- TRxCalcState = (csFirst, csValid, csError);
- TRxCalculatorForm = class;
- { TRxCalculator }
- TRxCalculator = class(TComponent)
- private
- FValue: Double;
- FMemory: Double;
- FTitle: String;
- FCtl3D: Boolean;
- FPrecision: Byte;
- FBeepOnError: Boolean;
- FHelpContext: THelpContext;
- FCalc: TRxCalculatorForm;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnCalcKey: TKeyPressEvent;
- FOnDisplayChange: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetDisplay: Double;
- function GetTitle: string;
- procedure SetTitle(const Value: string);
- function TitleStored: Boolean;
- protected
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- procedure CalcKey(var Key: Char); dynamic;
- procedure DisplayChange; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Execute: Boolean;
- property CalcDisplay: Double read GetDisplay;
- property Memory: Double read FMemory;
- published
- property BeepOnError: Boolean read FBeepOnError write FBeepOnError default True;
- property Ctl3D: Boolean read FCtl3D write FCtl3D default True;
- property HelpContext: THelpContext read FHelpContext write FHelpContext default 0;
- property Precision: Byte read FPrecision write FPrecision default DefCalcPrecision;
- property Title: string read GetTitle write SetTitle stored TitleStored;
- property Value: Double read FValue write FValue;
- property OnCalcKey: TKeyPressEvent read FOnCalcKey write FOnCalcKey;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnDisplayChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnDisplayChange write FOnDisplayChange;
- end;
- { TRxCalculatorForm }
- TRxCalculatorForm = class(TForm)
- private
- FMainPanel: TPanel;
- FCalcPanel: TPanel;
- FDisplayPanel: TPanel;
- FDisplayLabel: TLabel;
- FPasteItem: TMenuItem;
- procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- procedure PopupMenuPopup(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CopyItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure PasteItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED;
- protected
- procedure OkClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CalcKey(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- procedure DisplayChange(Sender: TObject);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- end;
- function CreateCalculatorForm(AOwner: TComponent; AHelpContext: THelpContext): TRxCalculatorForm;
- function CreatePopupCalculator(AOwner: TComponent
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}; ABiDiMode: TBiDiMode = bdLeftToRight {$ENDIF}): TWinControl;
- procedure SetupPopupCalculator(PopupCalc: TWinControl; APrecision: Byte;
- ABeepOnError: Boolean);
- implementation
- uses {$IFNDEF WIN32} Str16, {$ENDIF} VclUtils, MaxMin, rxStrUtils, ToolEdit;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$R *.R32}
- {$ELSE}
- {$R *.R16}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- SCalculator = 'Calculator';
- SError = 'Error';
- type
- TCalcBtnKind =
- (cbNone, cbNum0, cbNum1, cbNum2, cbNum3, cbNum4, cbNum5, cbNum6,
- cbNum7, cbNum8, cbNum9, cbSgn, cbDcm, cbDiv, cbMul, cbSub,
- cbAdd, cbSqr, cbPcnt, cbRev, cbEql, cbBck, cbClr, cbMP,
- cbMS, cbMR, cbMC, cbOk, cbCancel);
- TCalcPanelLayout = (clDialog, clPopup);
- procedure SetDefaultFont(AFont: TFont; Layout: TCalcPanelLayout);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- var
- NonClientMetrics: TNonClientMetrics;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- NonClientMetrics.cbSize := SizeOf(NonClientMetrics);
- if SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, @NonClientMetrics, 0) then
- AFont.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(NonClientMetrics.lfMessageFont)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- with AFont do begin
- Color := clWindowText;
- Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
- Size := 8;
- end;
- AFont.Style := [fsBold];
- if Layout = clDialog then begin
- end
- else begin
- end;
- end;
- function CreateCalculatorForm(AOwner: TComponent; AHelpContext: THelpContext): TRxCalculatorForm;
- begin
- Result := TRxCalculatorForm.Create(AOwner);
- with Result do
- try
- HelpContext := AHelpContext;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if HelpContext <> 0 then BorderIcons := BorderIcons + [biHelp];
- {$ENDIF}
- if Screen.PixelsPerInch <> 96 then begin { scale to screen res }
- ScaleBy(Screen.PixelsPerInch, 96);
- SetDefaultFont(Font, clDialog);
- Left := (Screen.Width div 2) - (Width div 2);
- Top := (Screen.Height div 2) - (Height div 2);
- end;
- except
- Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- { TCalcButton }
- type
- TCalcButton = class(TRxSpeedButton)
- private
- FKind: TCalcBtnKind;
- FFontChanging: Boolean;
- protected
- procedure CMParentFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED;
- public
- constructor CreateKind(AOwner: TComponent; AKind: TCalcBtnKind);
- property Kind: TCalcBtnKind read FKind;
- end;
- constructor TCalcButton.CreateKind(AOwner: TComponent; AKind: TCalcBtnKind);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable];
- {$ENDIF}
- FKind := AKind;
- if FKind in [cbNum0..cbClr] then Tag := Ord(Kind) - 1
- else Tag := -1;
- end;
- procedure TCalcButton.CMParentFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- function BtnColor(Kind: TCalcBtnKind): TColor;
- begin
- if Kind in [cbSqr, cbPcnt, cbRev, cbMP..cbMC] then Result := clNavy
- else if Kind in [cbDiv, cbMul, cbSub, cbAdd, cbEql] then Result := clPurple
- else if Kind in [cbBck, cbClr] then Result := clMaroon
- else Result := clBtnText;
- end;
- begin
- if not FFontChanging then inherited;
- if ParentFont and not FFontChanging then begin
- FFontChanging := True;
- try
- Font.Color := BtnColor(FKind);
- ParentFont := True;
- finally
- FFontChanging := False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- const
- BtnPos: array[TCalcPanelLayout, TCalcBtnKind] of TPoint =
- (((X: -1; Y: -1), (X: 47; Y: 104), (X: 47; Y: 80), (X: 85; Y: 80),
- (X: 123; Y: 80), (X: 47; Y: 56), (X: 85; Y: 56), (X: 123; Y: 56),
- (X: 47; Y: 32), (X: 85; Y: 32), (X: 123; Y: 32), (X: 85; Y: 104),
- (X: 123; Y: 104), (X: 161; Y: 32), (X: 161; Y: 56), (X: 161; Y: 80),
- (X: 161; Y: 104), (X: 199; Y: 32), (X: 199; Y: 56), (X: 199; Y: 80),
- (X: 199; Y: 104), (X: 145; Y: 6), (X: 191; Y: 6), (X: 5; Y: 104),
- (X: 5; Y: 80), (X: 5; Y: 56), (X: 5; Y: 32),
- (X: 47; Y: 6), (X: 85; Y: 6)),
- ((X: -1; Y: -1), (X: 6; Y: 75), (X: 6; Y: 52), (X: 29; Y: 52),
- (X: 52; Y: 52), (X: 6; Y: 29), (X: 29; Y: 29), (X: 52; Y: 29),
- (X: 6; Y: 6), (X: 29; Y: 6), (X: 52; Y: 6), (X: 52; Y: 75),
- (X: 29; Y: 75), (X: 75; Y: 6), (X: 75; Y: 29), (X: 75; Y: 52),
- (X: 75; Y: 75), (X: -1; Y: -1), (X: -1; Y: -1), (X: -1; Y: -1),
- (X: 52; Y: 98), (X: 29; Y: 98), (X: 6; Y: 98), (X: -1; Y: -1),
- (X: -1; Y: -1), (X: -1; Y: -1), (X: -1; Y: -1),
- (X: -1; Y: -1), (X: -1; Y: -1)));
- ResultKeys = [#13, '=', '%'];
- function CreateCalcBtn(AParent: TWinControl; AKind: TCalcBtnKind;
- AOnClick: TNotifyEvent; ALayout: TCalcPanelLayout): TCalcButton;
- const
- BtnCaptions: array[cbSgn..cbMC] of PChar =
- ('▒', ',', '/', '*', '-', '+', 'sqrt', '%', '1/x', '=', '<-', 'C',
- 'MP', 'MS', 'MR', 'MC');
- begin
- Result := TCalcButton.CreateKind(AParent, AKind);
- with Result do
- try
- if Kind in [cbNum0..cbNum9] then Caption := IntToStr(Tag)
- else if Kind = cbDcm then Caption := DecimalSeparator
- else if Kind in [cbSgn..cbMC] then Caption := StrPas(BtnCaptions[Kind]);
- Left := BtnPos[ALayout, Kind].X;
- Top := BtnPos[ALayout, Kind].Y;
- if ALayout = clDialog then begin
- Width := 36;
- Height := 22;
- end
- else begin
- Width := 21;
- Height := 21;
- end;
- Style := bsNew;
- OnClick := AOnClick;
- ParentFont := True;
- Parent := AParent;
- except
- Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- { TCalculatorPanel }
- type
- TCalculatorPanel = class(TPanel)
- private
- FText: string;
- FStatus: TRxCalcState;
- FOperator: Char;
- FOperand: Double;
- FMemory: Double;
- FPrecision: Byte;
- FBeepOnError: Boolean;
- FMemoryPanel: TPanel;
- FMemoryLabel: TLabel;
- FOnError: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnOk: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnCancel: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnResult: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnTextChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnCalcKey: TKeyPressEvent;
- FOnDisplayChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FControl: TControl;
- procedure SetText(const Value: string);
- procedure CheckFirst;
- procedure CalcKey(Key: Char);
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Error;
- procedure SetDisplay(R: Double);
- function GetDisplay: Double;
- procedure UpdateMemoryLabel;
- function FindButton(Key: Char): TRxSpeedButton;
- procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED;
- procedure BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- protected
- procedure TextChanged; virtual;
- public
- constructor CreateLayout(AOwner: TComponent; ALayout: TCalcPanelLayout);
- procedure CalcKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- procedure Copy;
- procedure Paste;
- property DisplayValue: Double read GetDisplay write SetDisplay;
- property Text: string read FText;
- property OnOkClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnOk write FOnOk;
- property OnCancelClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnCancel write FOnCancel;
- property OnResultClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnResult write FOnResult;
- property OnError: TNotifyEvent read FOnError write FOnError;
- property OnTextChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnTextChange write FOnTextChange;
- property OnCalcKey: TKeyPressEvent read FOnCalcKey write FOnCalcKey;
- property OnDisplayChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnDisplayChange write FOnDisplayChange;
- end;
- constructor TCalculatorPanel.CreateLayout(AOwner: TComponent;
- ALayout: TCalcPanelLayout);
- var
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- I: TCalcBtnKind;
- const
- BtnGlyphs: array[cbSgn..cbCancel] of Integer = (2{Sgn}, -1, -1, 3{Mul},
- 4{Sub}, 5{Add}, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1{Ok}, 0{Cancel});
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if ALayout = clPopup then
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable];
- {$ENDIF}
- ParentColor := False;
- Color := clBtnFace;
- if ALayout = clDialog then begin
- Height := 129;
- Width := 240;
- end
- else begin
- Height := 124;
- Width := 98;
- end;
- SetDefaultFont(Font, ALayout);
- ParentFont := False;
- BevelOuter := bvNone;
- BevelInner := bvNone;
- ParentColor := True;
- ParentCtl3D := True;
- if ALayout = clDialog then Bmp := TBitmap.Create
- else Bmp := nil;
- try
- if Bmp <> nil then Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'CALCBTNS');
- for I := cbNum0 to cbCancel do begin
- if BtnPos[ALayout, I].X > 0 then
- with CreateCalcBtn(Self, I, BtnClick, ALayout) do begin
- if ALayout = clDialog then begin
- if (Kind in [cbBck, cbClr]) then Width := 44;
- if (Kind in [cbSgn..cbCancel]) then
- if BtnGlyphs[Kind] >= 0 then begin
- Caption := '';
- AssignBitmapCell(Bmp, Glyph, 6, 1, BtnGlyphs[Kind]);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if Kind in [cbEql] then Width := 44;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ALayout = clDialog then begin
- { Memory panel }
- FMemoryPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
- with FMemoryPanel do begin
- SetBounds(6, 7, 34, 20);
- BevelInner := bvLowered;
- BevelOuter := bvNone;
- ParentColor := True;
- Parent := Self;
- end;
- FMemoryLabel := TLabel.Create(Self);
- with FMemoryLabel do begin
- SetBounds(3, 3, 26, 14);
- Alignment := taCenter;
- AutoSize := False;
- Parent := FMemoryPanel;
- Font.Style := [];
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- FText := '0';
- FMemory := 0.0;
- FPrecision := DefCalcPrecision;
- FBeepOnError := True;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.SetText(const Value: string);
- begin
- if FText <> Value then begin
- FText := Value;
- TextChanged;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.TextChanged;
- begin
- if Assigned(FControl) then TLabel(FControl).Caption := FText;
- if Assigned(FOnTextChange) then FOnTextChange(Self);
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.Error;
- begin
- FStatus := csError;
- SetText(SError);
- if FBeepOnError then MessageBeep(0);
- if Assigned(FOnError) then FOnError(Self);
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.SetDisplay(R: Double);
- var
- S: string;
- begin
- S := FloatToStrF(R, ffGeneral, Max(2, FPrecision), 0);
- if FText <> S then begin
- SetText(S);
- if Assigned(FOnDisplayChange) then FOnDisplayChange(Self);
- end;
- end;
- function TCalculatorPanel.GetDisplay: Double;
- begin
- if FStatus = csError then Result := 0.0
- else Result := StrToFloat(Trim(FText));
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.CheckFirst;
- begin
- if FStatus = csFirst then begin
- FStatus := csValid;
- SetText('0');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- const
- Ctl3DStyle: array[Boolean] of TButtonStyle = (bsWin31, bsNew);
- Ctl3DBevel: array[Boolean] of TPanelBevel = (bvNone, bvLowered);
- Ctl3DBorder: array[Boolean] of TBorderStyle = (bsSingle, bsNone);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- for I := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do begin
- if Components[I] is TRxSpeedButton then
- TRxSpeedButton(Components[I]).Style := Ctl3DStyle[Ctl3D]
- else if Components[I] = FMemoryPanel then begin
- FMemoryPanel.BevelInner := Ctl3DBevel[Ctl3D];
- FMemoryPanel.BorderStyle := Ctl3DBorder[Ctl3D];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.UpdateMemoryLabel;
- begin
- if FMemoryLabel <> nil then
- if FMemory <> 0.0 then FMemoryLabel.Caption := 'M'
- else FMemoryLabel.Caption := '';
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.CalcKey(Key: Char);
- var
- R: Double;
- begin
- Key := UpCase(Key);
- if (FStatus = csError) and (Key <> 'C') then Key := #0;
- if Assigned(FOnCalcKey) then FOnCalcKey(Self, Key);
- if Key in [DecimalSeparator, '.', ','] then begin
- CheckFirst;
- if Pos(DecimalSeparator, FText) = 0 then
- SetText(FText + DecimalSeparator);
- Exit;
- end;
- case Key of
- 'R':
- if FStatus in [csValid, csFirst] then begin
- FStatus := csFirst;
- if GetDisplay = 0 then Error else SetDisplay(1.0 / GetDisplay);
- end;
- 'Q':
- if FStatus in [csValid, csFirst] then begin
- FStatus := csFirst;
- if GetDisplay < 0 then Error else SetDisplay(Sqrt(GetDisplay));
- end;
- '0'..'9':
- begin
- CheckFirst;
- if FText = '0' then SetText('');
- if Pos('E', FText) = 0 then begin
- if Length(FText) < Max(2, FPrecision) + Ord(Boolean(Pos('-', FText))) then
- SetText(FText + Key)
- else if FBeepOnError then MessageBeep(0);
- end;
- end;
- #8:
- begin
- CheckFirst;
- if (Length(FText) = 1) or ((Length(FText) = 2) and (FText[1] = '-')) then
- SetText('0')
- else
- SetText(System.Copy(FText, 1, Length(FText) - 1));
- end;
- '_': SetDisplay(-GetDisplay);
- '+', '-', '*', '/', '=', '%', #13:
- begin
- if FStatus = csValid then begin
- FStatus := csFirst;
- R := GetDisplay;
- if Key = '%' then
- case FOperator of
- '+', '-': R := FOperand * R / 100.0;
- '*', '/': R := R / 100.0;
- end;
- case FOperator of
- '+': SetDisplay(FOperand + R);
- '-': SetDisplay(FOperand - R);
- '*': SetDisplay(FOperand * R);
- '/': if R = 0 then Error else SetDisplay(FOperand / R);
- end;
- end;
- FOperator := Key;
- FOperand := GetDisplay;
- if Key in ResultKeys then
- if Assigned(FOnResult) then FOnResult(Self);
- end;
- #27, 'C': Clear;
- ^C: Copy;
- ^V: Paste;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.Clear;
- begin
- FStatus := csFirst;
- SetDisplay(0.0);
- FOperator := '=';
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.CalcKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- var
- Btn: TRxSpeedButton;
- begin
- Btn := FindButton(Key);
- if Btn <> nil then Btn.ButtonClick
- else CalcKey(Key);
- end;
- function TCalculatorPanel.FindButton(Key: Char): TRxSpeedButton;
- const
- ButtonChars = '0123456789_./*-+Q%R='#8'C';
- var
- I: Integer;
- BtnTag: Longint;
- begin
- if Key in [DecimalSeparator, '.', ','] then Key := '.'
- else if Key = #13 then Key := '='
- else if Key = #27 then Key := 'C';
- BtnTag := Pos(UpCase(Key), ButtonChars) - 1;
- if BtnTag >= 0 then
- for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin
- if Controls[I] is TRxSpeedButton then begin
- Result := TRxSpeedButton(Controls[I]);
- if Result.Tag = BtnTag then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- case TCalcButton(Sender).Kind of
- cbNum0..cbNum9: CalcKey(Char(TComponent(Sender).Tag + Ord('0')));
- cbSgn: CalcKey('_');
- cbDcm: CalcKey(DecimalSeparator);
- cbDiv: CalcKey('/');
- cbMul: CalcKey('*');
- cbSub: CalcKey('-');
- cbAdd: CalcKey('+');
- cbSqr: CalcKey('Q');
- cbPcnt: CalcKey('%');
- cbRev: CalcKey('R');
- cbEql: CalcKey('=');
- cbBck: CalcKey(#8);
- cbClr: CalcKey('C');
- cbMP:
- if FStatus in [csValid, csFirst] then begin
- FStatus := csFirst;
- FMemory := FMemory + GetDisplay;
- UpdateMemoryLabel;
- end;
- cbMS:
- if FStatus in [csValid, csFirst] then begin
- FStatus := csFirst;
- FMemory := GetDisplay;
- UpdateMemoryLabel;
- end;
- cbMR:
- if FStatus in [csValid, csFirst] then begin
- FStatus := csFirst;
- CheckFirst;
- SetDisplay(FMemory);
- end;
- cbMC:
- begin
- FMemory := 0.0;
- UpdateMemoryLabel;
- end;
- cbOk:
- begin
- if FStatus <> csError then begin
- DisplayValue := DisplayValue; { to raise exception on error }
- if Assigned(FOnOk) then FOnOk(Self);
- end
- else if FBeepOnError then MessageBeep(0);
- end;
- cbCancel: if Assigned(FOnCancel) then FOnCancel(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.Copy;
- begin
- Clipboard.AsText := FText;
- end;
- procedure TCalculatorPanel.Paste;
- begin
- if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT) then
- try
- SetDisplay(StrToFloat(Trim(ReplaceStr(Clipboard.AsText,
- CurrencyString, ''))));
- except
- SetText('0');
- end;
- end;
- { TLocCalculator }
- type
- TLocCalculator = class(TCalculatorPanel)
- private
- procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED;
- protected
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- end;
- constructor TLocCalculator.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited CreateLayout(AOwner, clPopup);
- ControlStyle := [csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csDoubleClicks];
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable];
- {$ENDIF}
- Enabled := False;
- TabStop := False;
- end;
- procedure TLocCalculator.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- if HandleAllocated and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- EnableWindow(Handle, True);
- end;
- procedure TLocCalculator.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
- begin
- inherited CreateParams(Params);
- with Params do begin
- Style := Style and not (WS_TABSTOP or WS_DISABLED);
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- AddBiDiModeExStyle(ExStyle);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- { TPopupCalculator }
- type
- TPopupCalculator = class(TPopupWindow)
- private
- FCalcPanel: TLocCalculator;
- procedure TextChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ResultClick(Sender: TObject);
- protected
- procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function GetValue: Variant; override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: Variant); override;
- {$ELSE}
- function GetValue: string; override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- function GetPopupText: string; override;
- end;
- function CreatePopupCalculator(AOwner: TComponent
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}; ABiDiMode: TBiDiMode = bdLeftToRight {$ENDIF}): TWinControl;
- begin
- Result := TPopupCalculator.Create(AOwner);
- if (AOwner <> nil) and not (csDesigning in AOwner.ComponentState) and
- (Screen.PixelsPerInch <> 96) then
- begin { scale to screen res }
- Result.ScaleBy(Screen.PixelsPerInch, 96);
- { The ScaleBy method does not scale the font well, so set the
- font back to the original info. }
- TPopupCalculator(Result).FCalcPanel.ParentFont := True;
- SetDefaultFont(TPopupCalculator(Result).Font, clPopup);
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- Result.BiDiMode := ABiDiMode;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetupPopupCalculator(PopupCalc: TWinControl; APrecision: Byte;
- ABeepOnError: Boolean);
- begin
- if (PopupCalc = nil) or not (PopupCalc is TPopupCalculator) then
- Exit;
- if TPopupCalculator(PopupCalc).FCalcPanel <> nil then
- with TPopupCalculator(PopupCalc).FCalcPanel do begin
- FPrecision := Max(2, APrecision);
- FBeepOnError := ABeepOnError;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TPopupCalculator.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Height := 127;
- Width := 104;
- Color := clBtnFace;
- SetDefaultFont(Font, clPopup);
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit;
- FCalcPanel := TLocCalculator.Create(Self);
- with FCalcPanel do begin
- Parent := Self;
- Align := alClient;
- BevelOuter := bvRaised;
- FPrecision := DefCalcPrecision;
- Visible := True;
- OnTextChange := Self.TextChange;
- OnResultClick := Self.ResultClick;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPopupCalculator.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
- begin
- if FCalcPanel <> nil then FCalcPanel.CalcKeyPress(Self, Key);
- inherited KeyPress(Key);
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function TPopupCalculator.GetValue: Variant;
- begin
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Result := 0
- else begin
- if FCalcPanel.FStatus <> csError then begin
- { to raise exception on error }
- FCalcPanel.DisplayValue := FCalcPanel.DisplayValue;
- Result := FCalcPanel.DisplayValue;
- end
- else begin
- if FCalcPanel.FBeepOnError then MessageBeep(0);
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPopupCalculator.SetValue(const Value: Variant);
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- with FCalcPanel do begin
- try
- if VarIsNull(Value) or VarIsEmpty(Value) then
- DisplayValue := 0
- else
- DisplayValue := Value;
- except
- DisplayValue := 0;
- end;
- FStatus := csFirst;
- FOperator := '=';
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function TPopupCalculator.GetValue: string;
- var
- D: Double;
- begin
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or (FCalcPanel = nil) then Result := '0'
- else begin
- if FCalcPanel.FStatus <> csError then begin
- { to raise exception on error }
- FCalcPanel.DisplayValue := FCalcPanel.DisplayValue;
- D := FCalcPanel.DisplayValue;
- end
- else begin
- if FCalcPanel.FBeepOnError then MessageBeep(0);
- D := 0;
- end;
- Result := FloatToStrF(D, ffGeneral, Max(2, FCalcPanel.FPrecision), 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPopupCalculator.SetValue(const Value: string);
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
- with FCalcPanel do begin
- if Value = '' then DisplayValue := 0
- else
- try
- DisplayValue := StrToFloat(Value);
- except
- DisplayValue := 0;
- end;
- FStatus := csFirst;
- FOperator := '=';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function TPopupCalculator.GetPopupText: string;
- begin
- Result := FCalcPanel.Text;
- end;
- procedure TPopupCalculator.ResultClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FCalcPanel.FStatus <> csError then begin
- FCalcPanel.DisplayValue := FCalcPanel.DisplayValue;
- CloseUp(True);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPopupCalculator.TextChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- InvalidateEditor;
- end;
- { TRxCalculator }
- constructor TRxCalculator.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FTitle := SCalculator;
- FCtl3D := True;
- FPrecision := DefCalcPrecision;
- FBeepOnError := True;
- end;
- destructor TRxCalculator.Destroy;
- begin
- FOnChange := nil;
- FOnDisplayChange := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TRxCalculator.GetTitle: string;
- begin
- Result := FTitle;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculator.SetTitle(const Value: string);
- begin
- FTitle := Value;
- end;
- function TRxCalculator.TitleStored: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Title <> SCalculator;
- end;
- function TRxCalculator.GetDisplay: Double;
- begin
- if Assigned(FCalc) then
- Result := TCalculatorPanel(FCalc.FCalcPanel).GetDisplay
- else Result := FValue;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculator.CalcKey(var Key: Char);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnCalcKey) then FOnCalcKey(Self, Key);
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculator.DisplayChange;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnDisplayChange) then FOnDisplayChange(Self);
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculator.Change;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
- end;
- function TRxCalculator.Execute: Boolean;
- begin
- FCalc := CreateCalculatorForm(Self, HelpContext);
- with FCalc do
- try
- Ctl3D := FCtl3D;
- Caption := Self.Title;
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).FMemory := Self.FMemory;
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).UpdateMemoryLabel;
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).FPrecision := Max(2, Self.Precision);
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).FBeepOnError := Self.BeepOnError;
- if Self.FValue <> 0 then begin
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).DisplayValue := Self.FValue;
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).FStatus := csFirst;
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).FOperator := '=';
- end;
- Result := (ShowModal = mrOk);
- if Result then begin
- Self.FMemory := TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).FMemory;
- if (TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).DisplayValue <> Self.FValue) then begin
- Self.FValue := TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).DisplayValue;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Free;
- FCalc := nil;
- end;
- end;
- { TRxCalculatorForm }
- constructor TRxCalculatorForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var
- Control: TWinControl;
- Popup: TPopupMenu;
- Items: array[0..1] of TMenuItem;
- begin
- inherited CreateNew(AOwner, 0);
- {$ELSE}
- inherited CreateNew(AOwner);
- {$ENDIF}
- BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu];
- BorderStyle := bsDialog;
- Caption := SCalculator;
- ClientHeight := 159;
- ClientWidth := 242;
- SetDefaultFont(Font, clDialog);
- KeyPreview := True;
- PixelsPerInch := 96;
- Position := poScreenCenter;
- OnKeyPress := FormKeyPress;
- Items[0] := NewItem('&Copy', scCtrl + vk_Insert, False, True, CopyItemClick, 0, '');
- Items[1] := NewItem('&Paste', scShift + vk_Insert, False, True, PasteItemClick, 0, '');
- FPasteItem := Items[1];
- Popup := NewPopupMenu(Self, 'PopupMenu', paLeft, True, Items);
- Popup.OnPopup := PopupMenuPopup;
- { MainPanel }
- FMainPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
- with FMainPanel do begin
- Align := alClient;
- Parent := Self;
- BevelOuter := bvLowered;
- ParentColor := True;
- PopupMenu := Popup;
- end;
- { DisplayPanel }
- FDisplayPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
- with FDisplayPanel do begin
- SetBounds(6, 6, 230, 23);
- Parent := FMainPanel;
- BevelOuter := bvLowered;
- Color := clWindow;
- Ctl3D := False;
- end;
- Control := TPanel.Create(Self);
- with TPanel(Control) do begin
- SetBounds(1, 1, 228, 21);
- Align := alClient;
- Parent := FDisplayPanel;
- BevelOuter := bvNone;
- BorderStyle := bsSingle;
- Ctl3D := False;
- ParentColor := True;
- ParentCtl3D := False;
- end;
- FDisplayLabel := TLabel.Create(Self);
- with FDisplayLabel do begin
- AutoSize := False;
- Alignment := taRightJustify;
- SetBounds(5, 2, 217, 15);
- Parent := TPanel(Control);
- Caption := '0';
- end;
- { CalcPanel }
- FCalcPanel := TCalculatorPanel.CreateLayout(Self, clDialog);
- with TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel) do begin
- Align := alBottom;
- Parent := FMainPanel;
- OnOkClick := Self.OkClick;
- OnCancelClick := Self.CancelClick;
- OnCalcKey := Self.CalcKey;
- OnDisplayChange := Self.DisplayChange;
- FControl := FDisplayLabel;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- const
- Ctl3DBevel: array[Boolean] of TPanelBevel = (bvNone, bvLowered);
- begin
- inherited;
- if FDisplayPanel <> nil then FDisplayPanel.BevelOuter := Ctl3DBevel[Ctl3D];
- if FMainPanel <> nil then FMainPanel.BevelOuter := Ctl3DBevel[Ctl3D];
- end;
- procedure TrxCalculatorForm.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- begin
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).CalcKeyPress(Sender, Key);
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.CopyItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).Copy;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.PasteItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- TCalculatorPanel(FCalcPanel).Paste;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.OkClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ModalResult := mrOk;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.CancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ModalResult := mrCancel;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.CalcKey(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- begin
- if (Owner <> nil) and (Owner is TRxCalculator) then
- TRxCalculator(Owner).CalcKey(Key);
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.DisplayChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (Owner <> nil) and (Owner is TRxCalculator) then
- TRxCalculator(Owner).DisplayChange;
- end;
- procedure TRxCalculatorForm.PopupMenuPopup(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FPasteItem.Enabled := Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT);
- end;
- end.